Crypto Aegis is a product of the Swiss registered company Athena Intelligence SA. Athena Intelligence SA is Switzerland's largest provider of corporate and due dilligence services. It operates out of Geneva, Switzerland and Shanghai, China and regularly provides services to bank, funds, and professional investors.

Crypto Aegis stems from the idea that the crypto and blockchain world needs to evolve to a more professional investment scene. The Aegis of Athena seeks to protect investors during their decision-making process and to assist them in fulfilling their business objectives.

The need for a legitimate crypto-based project to differentiate itself from the many illegitimate that exist has never been more critical. The ballooning cryptocurrency market has attracted enormous interest from investors recently. Indeed, there has been an increase of 250% crypto coins traded in just 12 months since 2021. This fast expansion, however, is also a cause of concern, as many coins are launched simply to ride an existing trend and to cheat or scam investors.


Jonas Rey

Founder & CEO
Blockchain and financial expert

Amanda Grudinskas

Investigation and attorney at law expert

Alex Lavassani

Business Development Manager
Cybersecurity expert

Lucas Wang

Business Development Manager
Investigation expert

Renaud Bartolini

Head of Research & Analysis
Investigation and Due Diligence Expert

Guy Brown

Commercial Director

Andrian Candu

Senior Advisor

Amy Liu

Senior Analyst

Iris Pefani

Senior Analyst